McAllister Garfield Assessment of Colorado’s Amendment X

Colorado Hemp Law: Please consider voting Yes on Amendment X

On November 6 (or before if you are mailing in your ballots) Colorado voters will have an opportunity to cast a ballot regarding the definition of hemp. Amendment X asks:

“Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution concerning changing the industrial hemp definition from a constitutional definition to a statutory definition?”

The change from an industrial hemp definition, bound in the state constitution, to a more flexible statutory definition, has divided the hemp community. Is it better for hemp agricultural and business sectors to keep the hemp definition protected within the state constitution or prepare for future growth by making the definition more flexible as a statute?

Opponents say, the industry has done great with the existing definition of hemp. If the definition remains in the state Constitution, hemp will continue to be protected. The state legislature can’t be trusted to handle appropriately if given the latitude.

Proponents of Amendment X cite the importance of flexibility to respond to potential federal changes to hemp in the Farm Bill and maintain leading pace in hemp agricultural economy. Since the jump start with the hemp definition in Amendment 64, hemp bills receive rare bipartisan support in the Colorado legislature. Hemp has more support than detractors. It is no longer at risk by fumbling politicians.

While McAllister Garfield understands the concerns about giving the Legislature more power to define hemp, the Firm’s hope is that as the hemp industry continues to thrive in Colorado, future changes would not overly restrict the hemp industry. In fact, if federal law expands to allow hemp to include product with up to 1% THC (current limit is 0.3% THC), then the status quo could seriously hold back the industry in Colorado. For this reason, the Firm urges you to Vote yes for the future of hemp. Vote Yes on Amendment X.

If you have any questions about this initiative in particular, or hemp in general, please contact David Wunderlich at our office for a consultation.

Click here for more information from Ballotpedia.

Click here for Colorado Independent coverage.

Click here for Samantha Walsh’s guest column in The Denver Post.