
Leading Cannabis Attorney Sean McAllister Running for NCIA Board of Directors

After years of hard work and activism on cannabis law reform, attorney Sean McAllister is seeking a more formal leadership role in the National Cannabis Industry Association by running for the Board of Directors. Voting is open to all NCIA members from April 27 through May 22. This is a critical time in the evolution […]

AVC Confidentiality

Last month, the State Licensing Authority issued a decision determining that any Assurance of Voluntary Compliance (“AVC”) made by a licensee and the MED is not confidential in response to a Colorado Open Records Act (“CORA”) request. The main take away from this guidance is that any licensee who enters into an AVC should understand […]

Opportunity for Tribes to Participate in Department of Justice Reviews of Cannabis Priorities

Author: Garrett L. Davey, Esq. Since President Trump’s appointment of former Senator Jeff Sessions as United States Attorney General, there has been a lack of clarity regarding the new administration’s treatment of states with legal marijuana. This lack of clarity has also had a chilling effect on American Indian tribes seeking entry into the cannabis […]

Progress in the Sunshine State!

On Monday April 3, a Florida Senate Committee unanimously approved a bill that proposes a plan for the state’s emerging medical marijuana industry. The bill includes elements from numerous other competing Senate bills and seeks to expand currently proposed regulations. Senate Bill 406, introduced by Senator Rob Bradley, proposes to immediately increase the number of […]

Unregistered Securities Offerings: a Regulatory Pitfall

Author: David Wunderlich If you find yourself in the enviable position of having your business outgrow your cash flow, you may start thinking about how to obtain investments to help you scale up your business. But business owners should beware that the process of selling an investment in your business is not as simple as it […]

Encouraging Comments from US AG

Author: Jeff Wilson, Esq. United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions indicated Wednesday that the federal government will continue to enforce federal marijuana laws in accordance with the 2013 Cole memo, signaling that a federal crackdown on legal cannabis states appears very unlikely. “The Cole Memorandum set up some policies under President Obama’s Department of Justice […]

California Cannabis Industry Association Policy Conference

McAllister Garfield lawyers Sean McAllister attended the second annual California Cannabis Industry Association (“CCIA”) Policy Conference in Sacramento, California on March 7, 2017. CCIA is the lead cannabis industry trade association in California. McAllister Garfield sponsored the event and has been a CCIA member for multiple years now. In addition to the nearly 500 participants […]

Reading the Cannabis Leaves: The Future of Marijuana In Indian Country Under President Trump

Authors: Garrett L. Davey Although cannabis has been a boon for state revenues in those states that have legalized it under state law, the industry is still very much in the nascent stages of development within Indian country. The Obama administration took a largely “hands-off” approach to enforcing the Controlled Substances Act in states that […]

Rollout of Social Use in Denver

Author: Jeff Wilson Following the election victory for Initiative 300 (“I-300”), Denver is ironing out how to issue permits for social use of cannabis in businesses, private clubs, and at special events. Currently, adults in Denver can lawfully consume cannabis only on private property not open to the public, such as private homes (including yards […]

McAllister Garfield on Sean Spicer’s Comments

February 24, 2017 Friends, Like you, McAllister Garfield is concerned about Sean Spicer’s comments yesterday about the Trump Administration’s apparently novel views about adult-use cannabis. At first glance, Spicer’s comments are contrary to some of the positions President Trump took in his campaign. Nevertheless, public pronouncements in the Trump Administration often have no connection to […]


As you may recall from an earlier blog post entitled “Mechanisms for Out-of-State Ownership in Colorado,” January 1, 2017 marked a monumental change for cannabis business ownership requirements. Now, any U.S. citizen may apply to take an ownership interest in a cannabis business (subject to a criminal background check and other ownership qualifications). However, until […]

Products Liability Case in California

By John Schroyer, Omar Sacirbey and Bart Schaneman Aggregated from: Tainted medical cannabis is suspected in a California cancer patient’s death, Colorado creates a workplace-safety guide, and Ohio is in the market for a seed-to-sale tracking system. Here’s a closer look at some notable developments in the marijuana industry over the past week. More […]