
Listen To Dan Garfield Describe The Legal Field In The Marijuana Industry

Check out Dan Garfield’s interview with the Rocky Mountain Business Forum about the legal field and the marijuana industry.

Cannabis Industry Experts Release Innovative Market Report on Emerging Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis in California

Denver Relief Consulting, Marijuana Policy Group, and McAllister Garfield, P.C. have collaborated to produce the 2017 California Cannabis Opportunity Report, available starting Thursday, August 31. Subject matter experts on the economic, financial, policy, and legal landscape of the cannabis industry have come together to publish an informative and innovative report about the California cannabis marketplace […]

Cannabis Business Investments

Butane Hash Extraction

Home Grower Consent To Search


MED Enforcement Actions

McAllister Garfield, P.C. is a leading law firm defending marijuana businesses from MED enforcement actions. We recently submitted open records requests to the MED for all enforcement action settlement agreements from January 2016 to June 2017. The released records confirmed that McAllister Garfield handled the most cases out of our competitors. We take pride in […]

Industrial Hemp Water Rights Act Is Good News for Indian Country

Author: Garrett L. Davey, Esq. Tribes seeking to grow industrial hemp programs on reservations may no longer have to worry about the legality of using federal water reserves. Last week, the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee approved the Energy & Water Development appropriations bill for 2018. Within this bill is the Industrial Hemp Water Rights Act, […]

MED Confirms Transporter License Requirement; Denver to Accept Applications

Author: David R. Wunderlich, Esq. Third party couriers may no longer transport marijuana and marijuana-infused products in Colorado without a transporter license issued by the Marijuana Enforcement Division (the “MED”). We have received many calls this past month from couriers, cultivators and dispensaries trying to discern the impact of the new transporter license on their businesses. […]

National Cannabis Legal Counsel

Denver Adopts Final Social Use Rules, But Obtaining A Permit Will Not Be Easy

Author: Jeff Wilson, Esq. On June 30, 2017, Denver adopted final rules for Designated Consumption Area (“DCA”) permits, the final step towards rolling out the three-year social use pilot program approved by voters in 2016. The city intends to begin accepting applications for DCA permits by August 31, 2017. Application and permit fees will cost […]

Tribal Sovereign Immunity

Summary of Los Angeles Draft Marijuana Regulations

This post summarizes the current status of cannabis regulations for the City of Los Angeles, California (the “City”), as of July 13, 2017. On June 7, 2017, the City released its proposed draft regulations under Measure M (the “Draft Regulations”). We are still within the 60-day public comment period (which expires August 6, 2017) following […]