New Jersey Announces Open Application Period for Medical Marijuana Licenses


Government officials in New Jersey recently opened the application period to add up to six additional medical marijuana dispensaries. The state plans to allow two each in North, Central, and South Jersey. Applicants or interested parties must attend a mandatory meeting at the Trenton headquarters for the Department of Health on Thursday, August 9. Those interested have until August 31, 2018 to submit applications, and the state will announce licensees on November 1, 2018. You can access additional application information here.

New Jersey recently added 5 new qualifying conditions to receive a medical marijuana card, including two types of chronic pain, which has resulted in 7,000 new patients receiving cards in the last few months. Any new dispensary must be vertically integrated and may be for-profit or non-profit. Applicants must submit a business plan with a prospective 5-year budget and pay a $20,000 application fee. The six Alternative Treatment Centers (“ATCs”) already operating in the state are prohibited from submitting applications for the new dispensaries.

McAllister Garfield, P.C. is ready to help prepare your application.